Spring is a time of renewal, with the warmer weather and longer hours of daylight, homeowners emerge from their winter dens to survey their kingdoms. Our home’s exteriors and other outdoor structures tell the story of the long cold months with their layers of grime and molds that enjoyed the time in the dark, cold months.
With the longer days and gleaming sunlight, we are able to see all the work that is needed to get our homes in shape for the warmer months ahead. The task can be at first overwhelming as our landscapes are browned, and the pollen has blanketed everything in sight. But tackling a few key areas of our home’s exterior will have your property looking good as new in no time.
Free Your Home’s Gutters From Debris
Begin by cleaning out your home’s gutters. This may seem like an unnecessary job at first, as the gutters are rarely noticed. However, over the winter months, our gutters can get clogged and filled with dead leaves and other debris that can rot and mold, causing water flow to be restricted.
As spring brings with it more rain, the gutters can overflow, detach from the home, and even cause leaks into roofing and basements if they are not directing water away from the home appropriately. Thoroughly cleaning and checking your gutter system for damage will ensure that your home is protected from water damage caused by blocked or broken gutters.
Clean And Check Windows
This is also a good time to check the windows and doorways of your home, making sure to look for debris, molds, and mildew that may have collected. Windows can be compromised if dirt has built up around their seals, leading to water leaks and rotting wood. Properly cleaning your windows and doors can keep them in proper working conditions as well as ensuring that your home remains properly sealed from the outside elements.
When cleaning your windows, it is important to remember that the seals can be broken by pressure washers and other tools that can loosen objects. However, pressure washers are necessary in order to properly clean your home’s siding and walkways and decks around your home.
Let The Professionals Help
My Window Washing can take care of your home’s exterior spring cleaning needs and keep you off of ladders and in the sunshine. With extensive experience and professional service, My Window Washing can clean your gutters, wash your windows, and pressure wash exterior surfaces as needed in order to have your home sparkling clean and damage-free.
This spring, don’t let your home go in disrepair, contact My Window Washing and find out how they can best serve your needs.